Restricted Earth Fault Protection in Low-Impedance Grounded Systems With Inverter-Based Resources | Normann Fischer, Ritwik Chowdhury | 2023 Session 7- 1:55 pm, October 11 | |
Fault location for multi-terminal lines | C. Dzienis, J. Blumschein, J. Hauschild | 2023 Session 8- 8:00 am, October 12 | |
Field Experience with CT Saturation Due to Forced Current Redistribution | Hongbo Apollo Zhang, Ralph Peter Barone | 2023 Session 8- 10:15 am, October 12 | |
Practical Applications of AC Relaying and Industry Standards with HVDC Converter Stations: Interfacing, Coordination, and Limitations | Michael Podbesek | 2023 Session 10- 2:50 pm, October 12 | |
Protection of Wind Electric Plants | Amin Zamani, Dean Miller, Frank Gotte, Jim van de Ligt, Martin Best, Rene Midence, Ritwik Chowdhury, Steve Klecker, Yuan Liao | 2023 Session 10- 4:10 pm, October 12 | |
Global Experience in application of Traveling Wave Fault Location | Carlos Pimentel, Ilia Voloh, Leandro de Marchi Pintos, Mathew Leyba | 2023 Session 8- 9:35 am, October 12 | |
Three to Two Phase Interconnection Protection | Julia Black, Mike Jensen, Srinivas Bobba | 2023 Session 10- 3:30 pm, October 12 | |
The Need for Speed – Why Fast Track Digital Substation Deployment | Chee-Pinp Teoh, Chin-Fei Chow, Dang-Thoang Vo, Hung Hoang, Thang Nguyen Van, Tuan Bui Thanh, Wayne Hartmann | 2023 Session 9- 10:15 am, October 12 | |
Inverter-Based Resource Short Circuit Model ‒ Considerations for VCCS Tabular Model | Aboutaleb Haddadi, Evangelos Farantatos, Jens C. Boemer, Manish Patel, W. Wes Baker | 2023 Session 10- 1:55 pm, October 12 | |
Communication Bandwidth Considerations for Digital Substation Applications | Galina S. Antonova, Jake Groat | 2023 Session 9- 8:40 am, October 12 | |
Hybrid Digital Substation Design Experience: Comparing Conventional and Non- Conventional Communication-based Measurements | Aaron Martin, Daniel Ransom, Darin Boyd, Galina Antonova, Joseph Matsuoka, Mike Kockott | 2023 Session 9- 10:55 am, October 12 | |
Beyond Reach: The Rest of the Protection Coordination Process | David Beach | 2023 Session 4- 8:40 am, October 11 | |
Power Transformer Impedances and Impacts on Protection | Daniel Zhang | 2023 Session 7- 1:15 pm, October 11 | |
Detection of subsynchronous control interaction oscillations near renewable generation and HVDC | Ali Azizi, Filip Ivanovski, Ilia Voloh, Piotr Sawko, Zhiying Zhang | 2023 Session 10- 1:55 pm, October 12 | |
Unified Grid Control Platform Concept | Eric A. Udren, Herb Falk, Paul Myrda, Rich Hunt | 2023 Session 5- 10:55 am, October 11 | |
Charging current: basics, compensation approximations, errors, and remediation | Hebert Marchi Magalhaes, Ilia Voloh, Jc Theron, Tirath Bains | 2023 Session 4- 9:35 am, October 11 | |
Analysis of Bus Faults on Outdoor Delta-Connected Tertiaries | Ricardo H. Rangel | 2023 Session 7- 4:10 pm, October 11 | |
Overview of IEC 61850 IEDs Modelling, Tools, and Workflow | David MacDonald, Drew Baigent, Ilia Voloh, Sridevi Mutnuri | 2023 Session 5- 10:15 am, October 11 | |
A Case Study of Implementing a Stator Ground Protection Scheme at Long Spruce Generating Station | Gilberto Maioli, Kris Manchur, P.E. | 2023 Session 6- 1:55 pm, October 11 | |
LINE PROTECTION OPERATE TIME: SPEED VS. CIRCUIT BREAKER WEAR, POWER SYSTEM STABILITY AND SECURITY | Mike Kockott, OD Naidu, Sinisa Zubić, Zoran Gajić | 2023 Session 4- 8:00 am, October 11 | |
Automated Solutions and Remote Settings Changes – AEP’s Approach to Implementing PRC-027-1 | Jeff Iler, Manish Thakur, Nelson Doe | 2023 Session 5- 8:40 am, October 11 | |
TPL-001.5.1 Footnote 13 – A Small Footnote with a Large Impact | Davis Erwin, Scott Hayes | 2023 Session 5- 8:00 am, October 11 | |
Performance Assessment of An Enhanced Distance Relay In The Presence of Inverter Based Resources | Horton Patricia, Ilia Voloh, Simon Swain, Venkatesh Chakrapani | 2023 Session 3- 3:30 pm, October 10 | |
Marginalia (a first principles review of coordinating margins in protective relaying) | Ralph Barone | 2023 Session 2- 1:15 pm, October 10 | |
Implementing Neutral Grounding Reactor to Mitigate Nuisance Tripping due to Unbalanced Feeder Load | David Popach, Jake Dunn, Jeanne Harshbarger, Sam Nietfeld, Tarik Wahidi | 2023 Session 2- 1:55 pm, October 10 | |
Integrating Distributed Energy Resources into ENMAX’s Secondary Network System | Mark Apuzzo, Pallavi Sehgal-Sidhu | 2023 Session 2- 3:30 pm, October 10 | |
Comparison of Protection Settings Used by Electrical Utilities in the Western US and Canada to Reduce Wildfire Ignition Risk | Erik Madsen, Gene Hanes, James Tuccillo, Scott Hayes | 2023 Session 1- 10:15 am, October 10 | |
Protection and Control System Design for an Inverter-Based Community Microgrid | Ajmal Saeed, Amin Zamani, Franz Stadtmueller, Mike Jensen, Vatandeep Singh | 2023 Session 2- 4:10 pm, October 10 | |
Transmission Line Protection Under High Penetration of Inverter- Based Resources: Impact Assessments and Mitigation Solutions | Adam O’Leary, Charles T. Hitchings, Henry Chao, Hossein Hooshyar, Juergen Holbach, Louis E. Seiter, Peter Haswell, Thanh Nguyen, Zheyuan Cheng | 2023 Session 3- 4:10 pm, October 10 | |
Protection and Control Challenges of Low-Voltage Networks with High Distributed Energy Resources Penetration | Eric Udren, Juergen Holbach, Matthew J. Reno, Michael E. Ropp, Zheyuan Cheng | 2023 Session 2- 2:50 pm, October 10 | |
Protection Applications with Tapped Inverter-Based Resources on Transmission Lines | Abu Zahid, Fenghai Sui, Hanyun Duan, Jing Shan, Keith Lee | 2023 Session 3- 1:15 pm, October 10 | |
Distribution Digital Substation—Consolidated Protection and Digital Secondary Systems | Chris Burger, Jason M. Byerly, John Hostetler, Manish Thakur, Scott Wenke | 2023 Session 8- 8:00 am, October 12 | |
Case Study: Designing Centralized Protection and Control Systems for a Distribution Substation at Duke Energy | Arun Shrestha, Arunabha Chatterjee, Ethan Haithcox, Jackson Fultz, Priyanka Nadkar, Stephen B. Ladd, Taylor I. Raffield | 2023 Session 9- 9:35 am, October 12 | |
Thyristor-Controlled Reactor Protection in Static VAR Compensator | Brian K. Johnson, Satish Samineni, Shashidhar Reddy Sathu | 2023 Session 6- 4:10 pm, October 11 | |
Catastrophic Breaker Failures Due to Missing Current Zero-Crossings in Highly Shunt- Compensated 500 kV Lines—Point-on-Wave, Reclosing, and Protection Considerations | Fernando Calero, Kenan Hadzimahovic, Mukesh Nagpal, Ralph Barone, Ritwik Chowdhury, Tony Jiao, Tyler Scott | 2023 Session 1- 9:35 am, October 10 | |
Improving Ground Fault Sensitivity for Transmission Lines Near Inverter-Based Resources | Ryan McDaniel, Yash Shah | 2023 Session 3- 1:55 pm, October 10 | |
Zero-Setting Broken Conductor Detection Method Using Local Measurements Only | Gandhali Juvekar, Kanchanrao Dase, Yanfeng Gong | 2023 Session 4- 10:15 am, October 11 | |
Case Study: Traveling-Wave Fault Locating for an HVdc Transmission Line | Diogo Totti, Paulo Lima, Ricardo Abboud, Samuel Lacerda, Venkat Mynam | 2023 Session 8- 8:40 am, October 12 | |
Substation Instrument Transformer Early Failure Detection Using Time-Synchronized Measurement | Charles Jones, Jason M. Byerly, Yanfeng Gong, Zachary Summerford | 2023 Session 8- 10:55 am, October 12 | |
Point-on-Wave Closing Method to Reduce Transformer Inrush Current Used at Southern Peru Copper Corporation | Eduardo S. Palma, Hernan Flores, Rolando Jesus | 2023 Session 7- 3:30 pm, October 11 | |
Effect of Stabilizing Resistance, CT Class, and MOV Maximum Clamping Voltage on High-Impedance Differential Scheme Performance | David Costello, Héctor J. Altuve Ferrer, Jay Hartshorn, Josh LaBlanc, Marcos Donolo, Michael J. Thompson, Zafer Korkmaz | 2023 Session 6- 3:30 pm, October 11 | |
Loss-of-Potential Detection for Generator Relays | Dale Finney, Dereje Jada Hawaz, Satish Samineni, Shashidhar Reddy Sathu | 2023 Session 6- 2:50 pm, October 11 | |
FERC Risk-Informed Decision Making Applied to Digital Protection Systems | Dan Hertel, David Dolezilek, Davis Erwin, Elaine Munch, Heather Torres | 2023 Session 5- 9:35 am, October 11 | |
Solving Complex Feeder Protection Challenges and Reducing Wildfire Risks With Remote Measurements | Bogdan Kasztenny, Campbell D. Booth, Neil Gordon, Philip Orr, Steven Blair | 2023 Session 1- 10:55 am, October 10 | |
Security Criterion for Distance Zone 1 Applications in High SIR Systems With CCVTs | Bogdan Kasztenny, Ritwik Chowdhury | 2023 Session 3- 2:50 pm, October 10 | |
A Call to Action: Say YES to Restricted Earth Fault Protection | Ariana Hargrave, Marcel Taberer, Michael J. Thompson, Swagata Das | 2023 Session 7- 2:50 pm, October 11 | |
Novel Methods for Detecting Conductor Breaks in Power Lines | James Colwell, Kanchanrao Dase, Shreenivas Pai | 2023 Session 4- 10:55 am, October 11 | |