Summary Paper for C37.243 IEEE Guide for Application of Digital Line Current Differential Relays Using Digital Communication | Bob Ince, Bruce Mackie, Craig Palmer, Don Ware, Ian Tualla, Jim van de Ligt, John Anderson, Kent Ryan, Lynn Schroeder, Michael Higginson, Nef Torres, Phil Beaumont, Roy Moxley, Scott Cooper, Yuan Liao | 2018 | |
Protection & Control strategy for effectively interconnecting and islanding Distributed Energy Resources during grid disturbances | Joemoan Xavier | 2018 Session 9- 8:00 am, October 18 | |
Analysis Technique for Ground Faults in Resistively Grounded Systems: Visiting an Old Friend, the BDD Relay | A. G. Morinec, D.G Williams | 2018 Session 10- 2:50 pm, October 18 | |
Application and staged testing of the travelling wave fault locator at extra- long HVDC line | Alberto Becker Soeth Jr, Diogo Totti Custódio, Ilia Voloh, Paulo Renato Freire de Souza | 2018 Session 10- 1:15 pm, October 18 | |
What Are the NERC Efforts to Reduce Protection System Misoperations Related to Commissioning Testing Practices? | Segundo (Jerry) Timiraos | 2018 Session 5- 10:55 am, October 17 | |
Summary of C37.245 2018 “Guide for the Application of Protective Relaying for Phase-Shifting Transformers” | Abu Zahid, Ashley Hannigan, Brandon Davies, Chair; Hillmon Ladner-Garcia, Charles Henville, Lubomir Sevov, Michael Thompson, Paul Elkin, Secretary; Abu Bapary | 2020 Session 6- 1:55 pm, October 21 | |
Improving Security of Sensitive Protective Elements during CT Saturation | Abu Zahid, Fenghai Sui | 2018 Session 4- 9:35 am, October 17 | |
Field Experience With an Ultra-High-Speed Line Relay and Traveling-Wave Fault Locator | Mangapathirao V. Mynam, Sthitaprajnyan Sharma | 2018 Session 8- 8:40 am, October 18 | |
Best Practices for Developing and Implementing a New Protection Design Standard | Aaron Feathers, Scott Hayes | 2018 Session 5- 9:35 am, October 17 | |
Five Surprises Discovered With Megahertz Sampling and Traveling-Wave Data Analysis | Armando Guzmán, Edmund O. Schweitzer III, Jean León Eternod, Mangapathirao V. Mynam, Veselin Skendzic, Yanfeng Gong | 2018 Session 1- 8:00 am, October 16 | |
Microgrid Control System Protects University Campus From Grid Blackouts | Ashish Upreti, Bharath Nayak, John Dilliot, Krishnanjan Gubba Ravikumar | 2018 Session 5- 10:15 am, October 17 | |
First Digital Substation in TransGrid – Australia: A journey, Business case, Lessons | Chirag Mistry, Kevin Hinkley, Ravindranauth Ramlachan | 2018 Session 3- 4:10 pm, October 16 | |
Interfacing IEC 61850 Station Bus Protection to Existing Protection in a Brown-field Substation | Donald Pratt, Mark Seiter | 2018 Session 3- 1:15 pm, October 16 | |
Talega SynCon – Power Grid Support for Renewable-based Systems | Cesar Guerriero, Christopher J Bolton, Guangya Yang, Ha Thi Nguyen, Peter Højgaard Jensen, Tariq Rahman | 2018 Session 9- 8:40 am, October 18 | |
BC Hydro Protection Interconnection Practices for Sources with Inverter or Converter Interface | Charles Henville, Mukesh Nagpal | 2018 Session 1- 8:40 am, October 16 | |
Protection and Control Issues associated with Shunt Compensated Transmission Lines | Derrick Schlangen, Paul Nyombi, Pratap G Mysore | 2018 Session 2- 1:55 pm, October 16 | |
Traveling-Wave Fault Locating for Multiterminal and Hybrid Transmission Lines | Mangapathirao V. Mynam, Stephen Marx, Yajian Tong | 2018 Session 10- 1:55 pm, October 18 | |
Holistic Security | oy Moxley, William Credle | 2018 Session 10- 4:10 pm, October 18 | |
Practical Experience With Ultra-High-Speed Line Protective Relays | Benjamin Carstens, Frank Heleniak, Nicholas Metzger | 2018 Session 8- 9:35 am, October 18 | |
Protective Relaying for Distribution and Microgrids Evolving from Radial to Bi- Directional Power Flow | A. Barnes, B. Vyakaranam, J. Hambrick, P. Thekkumparambathmana, R. Fan, T. E. McDermott, T. Smith, Z. Li | 2018 Session 9- 9:35 am, October 18 | |
Application Considerations for Protecting Transformers With Dual Breaker Terminals | Abu Bapary, Kunal Salunkhe, Michael Thompson, Ryan McDaniel, Shahab Uddin | 2018 Session 4- 8:40 am, October 17 | |
Low-Cost Fast Bus Tripping Scheme Using High-Speed Wireless Protection Sensors | David Keckalo, Eric McCollum, Jeremy Blair, Kei Hao, Shankar V. Achanta | 2018 Session 8- 10:55 am, October 18 | |
Hydro One Experience in Digitizing a Transmission Substation and Implementing a New Approach in Distribution Protection | Anne Deng, David Ma, Kevin Donahoe, Mital Kanabar | 2018 Session 3- 1:55 pm, October 16 | |
Negative sequence current injection by power electronics based generators and its impact on faulted phase selection algorithms of distance protection | D. López, E. Martínez, H. Grasset, J. Vaquero, L. Pindado, M. Popov, M. Villén, M.A Orduñez, R. Andrino, S. Borroy | 2018 Session 9- 10:55 am, October 18 | |
A Creative Line Differential Protection Scheme for the Hudson River Crossing Section of a 345kV Transmission Line | Alex Echeverria, Bharadwaj Vasudevan, Eric Anderson, Mike Kockott | 2018 Session 8- 10:15 am, October 18 | |
Evaluation of 13kV Dry-Type Shunt Reactor Protection following Near-Miss | Gary L. Kobet | 2018 Session 1- 9:35 am, October 16 | |
Circuit Breaker Ratings – A Primer for Protection Engineers | Bogdan Kasztenny, Joe Rostron | 2018 Session 6- 2:50 pm, October 17 | |
Time-Domain Elements Optimize the Security and Performance of Transformer Protection | Bogdan Kasztenny, Douglas Taylor, Michael J. Thompson | 2018 Session 4- 8:00 am, October 17 | |
Utility Experience with Traveling Wave Fault Locating on Lower Voltage Transmission Lines | Robert James, Scott Hayes | 2018 Session 1- 10:55 am, October 16 | |
An Introduction to Completing a NERC PRC-026 Study for Traditional Generation Applications | Matt Horvath, Matthew Manley | 2018 Session 7- 3:30 pm, October 17 | |
Arc Resistance Coverage and Mho Expansion – The Devil is in the Details | Akram Saad, Craig Holt, Russell Patterson | 2018 Session 8- 8:00 am, October 18 | |
Substation Protection Applications with IEC 61850 Standard | A. Findley, I. Higginson, J. Eby, J. Groat, K. Petersen, P. Raval | 2018 Session 3- 2:50 pm, October 16 | |
Overcurrent Protection – Old Truths and New Applications | Charles Henville | 2018 Session 1- 10:15 am, October 16 | |
CCVT Failures and Their Effects on Distance Relays | Derrick Haas, Ryan McDaniel, Sophie Gray | 2018 Session 2- 4:10 pm, October 16 | |
Addressing Analog Leased Line Obsolescence by Preserving Protection Channel Performance Over Ethernet | Jonathan Geurink, Kenneth Fodero, Paul Robertson | 2018 Session 6- 4:10 pm, October 17 | |
Phase-Shifting Transformer Control and Protection Settings Verification | Bill Cook, Kamal Garg, Michael J. Thompson, Milind Malichkar | 2018 Session 4- 10:15 am, October 17 | |
Shaft current effects on rotating machinery and how to protect against them | Terry Foxcroft | 2018 Session 7- 1:55 pm, October 17 | |
Computationally Efficient Methods for Improved Double-Ended Transmission Line Fault Locating | Kanchanrao Dase, Normann Fischer | 2018 Session 10- 3:30 pm, October 18 | |
Grounding Considerations for Transmission Line Protection | Aaron Findley, David Lewis, Jared Mraz, Joe Mooney | 2018 Session 2- 1:15 pm, October 16 | |
230 KV SUBSTATION SHUNT CAPACITOR BANK FAILURE AND CASCADING AREA DISTURBANCES | Aaron M. Feathers, Fortino Arroyo Rivera, Leo B. Hisugan | 2018 Session 6- 1:15 pm, October 17 | |
Open-Phase Detection for Station Auxiliary Transformers | Ahmed Abd-Elkader, Dwayne Cox, Harish Chaluvadi | 2018 Session 4- 10:55 am, October 17 | |
Stator Ground Protection for Multiple High-Impedance Grounded Generators Sharing a Common Bus | Dale Finney, Jason Young, Normann Fischer, Ritwik Chowdhury, Subhash Patel, Veselin Skendzic | 2018 Session 7- 2:50 pm, October 17 | |
Generator Third-Harmonic Protection Explained | Dale Finney, Jason Young, Normann Fischer, Ritwik Chowdhury | 2018 Session 7- 1:15 pm, October 17 | |
Innovative Approach to Meet NYC System Reliability and Resilience Needs | Anastasia O’Malley, Diego Pichardo, Ed Wah Chen, Fabricio Mantilla, Leslie Philp, Nadia Ali, Rogerio Scharlach, Satish Samineni | 2018 Session 5- 8:40 am, October 17 | |
69kV Line Relay Mis-Operation Due to Zero Sequence Mutual Coupling on Non-Parallel Lines | Girolamo Rosselli, Sanhong Liu, Sergio Flores Castro | 2018 Session 2- 2:50 pm, October 16 | |
AEP Experience with Sub-Synchronous Oscillation Phenomena | Kiril Andov, Shawn Coppel, Zachary Campbell | 2018 Session 9- 10:15 am, October 18 | |
GSE Experience With a Country-Wide Distributed Remedial Action Scheme for Power System Protection and Control | Alejandro Carbajal, Alexander Didbaridze, Fernando Calero, Pedro Loza, Vladimer Korganashvili | 2018 Session 5- 8:00 am, October 17 | |
NEW DESIGN OF GROUND FAULT PROTECTION | J. Blumschein, Y. Yelgin | 2018 Session 2- 3:30 pm, October 16 | |
Enabling Teleprotection via packet switch wide area net- works with guaranteed performance | A. FREI, M. KRANICH, R. BAECHLI | 2018 Session 6- 3:30 pm, October 17 | |
Protection and Control Dependencies on Time: Applications, Challenges and Solutions | Davis P. Erwin, Galina S. Antonova, Marc Weiss | 2018 Session 6- 1:55 pm, October 17 | |
Capability Curve-Based Generator Protection Minimizes Generator Stress and Maintains Power System Stability | Armando Guzmán, Dale Finney, Matchyaraju Alla, Normann Fischer | 2018 Session 7- 4:10 pm, October 17 | |